Friday, November 8, 2013

New interview about The (New) Business of Acting explores managing expectations ...

I just did a Web radio interview about the (new) business of acting with Trena Bolden Fields, the actress/entrepreneur, etc. behind the Website If you haven't heard enough of me on this topic, it's available on-demand. :)

We talked quite a bit about the "managing expectations" part of launching, building and maintaining a career. Actors need to get a handle on this skill to help empower both themselves in this process and to learn how to manage the expectations that others who love them will have (parents, partners, friends) of them. 

For the non-industry person who is connected to a seeking-to-be-working actor, it can be frustrating when they don't understand why the person they love, the person they know is a gifted performer, isn't getting more opportunities to do the work they are passionate about and trained for.

There is a fiscal fitness piece of this emotional fitness equation, too. We talk about that, as well.

Thank you, Trena!

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