Thursday, October 20, 2011

Actorfest 2011 is designed to turn on your actor proactivity!

I am thrilled to have been asked to participate in this year's Actorfest, sponsored by Backstage on Saturday, November 5, at the California Market Center, in downtown Los Angeles.

It will be a day filled with industry events and loaded with opportunities to meet and greet and to be met and greeted. The exhibition hall is free for everyone to explore. Special panels, workshops and casting opportunities offered throughout the day will provide an extraordinary opportunity for actors and other industry professionals (agents, managers, casting directors, coaches, teachers and service providers) to connect in ways that can empower you on your career journey -- or help you jump start a journey that seems to have stalled and sputtered a bit.

I will be joining a small group of colleagues for a panel titled "Acting 101," at 12noon. Hosted by Backstage managing editor Dany Margoiles, this will be a great opportunity to refresh the page on the strategy of your career and learn how to move forward building the resume you will need to get to that next step.

There is a full workshop schedule available on the event website, as well as all off the information you need to sign up, get prepared and hit the Actorfest 2011 ground running on November 5.

I hope to meet you there!


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