Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to ease resume stress at the beginning of a career launch ...

I recently received an e-mail from Dennis, a young actor living in Seattle. He just graduated from college and is preparing to relocate to Los Angeles to start his career journey. I think his question might be very relevant to may of you.

Dennis wrote:

“My acting resume is loaded with credits that I earned in high school and college productions. I read in your book that agents and managers and even casting directors won’t really care about that work. I’m confused and a bit concerned about what to do and what to actually put on my new LA resume.”

I wrote back:

“What’s relevant to list on your resume has more to do with what stage of your career you’re in than any standard that applies to everyone.

At your age, at this place in your career, anything “appropriate” is appropriate — and that includes high school and college productions and community theatre. As you build your career and your resume, new credits will replace the older ones as you begin to run out of room. It’s the natural law of “early credit falloff.

The most important thing a young actor can do is to quickly begin balancing their high school and college performing credits with professional classes, seminars and workshops. You should begin taking classes as soon as possible after your arrival in Los Angeles (or New York). ‘As soon as’ also means as soon as you can reasonably afford to do so. Rent, food and other “survival” and transportation expenses have to be covered first.

You can show a potential agent or manager that you are serious about becoming a viable candidate for success in the business of acting (and maybe even a successful client of theirs) by showing that you are developing your skills and your talent with some good, solid professional training. This will score you a lot of points.

Getting into professional classes will also introduce you to a new community of other actors, most of them a lot like you, just out of college, just starting out, just looking for a smart way to match their potential with a world of opportunities.”

• • •

I am always being asked to recommend classes or an instructor or coach – and that’s a tall order, quite frankly. Like a head shot session, what works to make a photo session a success for both the actor and the photographer has everything to do with the energy and the connection both people bring into he session. That’s a lot like what make a class or a coach effective, as well.

It’s all about personality, style, professionalism and attitude, on both the actor’s part and the teacher’s.

Having said that, I have personally sat in on classes with a few well-respected teachers in Los Angeles and can suggest that they be on your list of people you check out. You’ll find a downloadable, printer-friendly list on the Resources page at

One of the people I like a lot is Jeremiah Comey. He teaches a great acting for the camera class and I have sent many of my clients to him over the years. You can watch our two-part interview with Jeremiah on our Web TV series “Inside the Business of Acting,” now playing on-demand on the Virtual Channel Network. He offers up some solid advice for all actors, but particularly for young actors.

I hope this helps you, Dennis, and the other couple of you making your ways to Los Angeles this summer, freshly graduated, all pumped up and ready for your career launch.

If you have a business of acting-related question, please post your question (or comment) here on our Blog site or you can e-mail me directly at


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